WC3Db - Databank

Saturday, May 20, 2006

TFT Patch 1.17

Category: WC3Db / Patches

The Frozen Throne Patch 1.17

* Two new Neutral Heroes, the Firelord and the Goblin Alchemist, have been added to the game. For further information on these exciting new Heroes and a listing of their abilities, visit http://www.battle.net/war3.
* A "Profile" button has been added to the Battle.net toolbar. You can now look at your profile from the Battle.net news page without ever entering chat.
* Replays now display their version number in the Replay selection screen.
* Designating a new clan chieftain now includes a confirmation dialogue.
* 9 maps from our Bonus Map program including (8)Funny Bunny's Egg Hunt, (8)Shamrock Reef, (8)Dragon Falls, (8)Deadlock, (8)Gold Rush, (8)Slalom, (6)Copper Canyon, (6)Rolling Hills, and (4)Predators.

* Fixed a problem with Burning Oil that caused the effect to not be created when buildings were attacked directly.
* Fixed a problem that caused some instant spells cast after a targeted spell to execute before the targeted spell.
* Fixed problems with the Melee AI when it attempted to use certain instant spells.
* Fixed a problem with Morphing units re-executing commands that were interrupted by the morph timer expiring.
* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to track enemy units under the fog of war with queued move commands.
* Fixed a problem with units following enemy units and never proceeding to the next order when they moved underneath the fog.
* Fixed a problem with spells that can target a point or unit (like Shockwave) failing when the selected target dies. If the selected target runs under the fog or teleports, the spell is intended to fail.
* Fixed a problem with Envenomed Spears wearing off too early if the affected unit was also affected by Slow Poison or the Orb of Venom.
* Fixed the invisibility transition time for levels 2 and 3 of Wind Walk.
* Fixed the orb air attack speeds for the Blood Mage, Pit Lord, and Fire Lord.
* Fixed the armor upgrade values for Human, Orc, and Undead shops.
* Fixed a problem preventing Phased Faerie Dragons from teleporting.
* Fixed an issue with Faerie Dragons that could cause them to become unresponsive to most commands if you Phase Shifted just as the unit was attacking something.
* Fixed Doom so that the spell now has a maximum creep level.
* Fixed an issue that caused Crypt Fiends to deactivate Web when they unburrowed.
* Fixed a problem with Cleaving Attack that would prevent it from working when Orbs were equipped.
* Fixed an issue with Cleaving Attack that would cause Thorns Aura to reflect damage on targets that took splash damage.
* Fixed an issue that could cause the Orb of Annihilation's splash damage to ignore armor.
* Fixed a problem that could cause Metamorphosis to cancel the effects of a Staff of Teleportation.
* Fixed Devour such that devoured units now give experience to the owner of the Kodo Beast if it gets polymorphed/hexed and instantly digests the unit.
* Fixed rally points such that friendly units will no longer cancel rally orders to Heroes that teleport, Blink, or Mirror Image.
* Fixed illusions so they now get correct damage, armor, life, and mana bonuses consistent with the original units.
* Fixed an issue with morphed units that could cause them to cost food when revived by Animated Dead if they had died in their morphed form.
* Fixed the Storm Pandaren (from the Pandaren Brewmaster's ultimate) so it now correctly displays Wind Walk's backstab damage.
* Fixed a problem with Flame Strike that wouldn't allow Blood Mages to become invisible after they finished channeling the spell. Prior to this fix, the Blood Mage would become visible for as long as damage was taking place, despite the fact that he was no longer casting the spell.
* Fixed upgrading buildings such that they now receive the correct hit point bonus from the Masonry upgrade.
* Fixed a problem that could cause manually cast arrow abilities to occasionally fail.
* Fixed racial shops so they no longer block line of sight.
* Fixed multiple units' casting the same spell so they now distribute the load more efficiently.
* Fixed creeps so that missile spells no longer wake them when launched. Instead, the creeps now wake when a spell hits.
* Fixed channeling units so they will auto-queue orders issued to the entire selection except for Stop and Hide. Orders issued to the selected subgroup will break channeling (so you can teleport out of the area while channeling).
* Fixed units in the middle of a non-channeling spell such that they will now auto-queue all orders until the spell is complete.
* Fixed Hero icons so their order is now consistent throughout the game.
* Fixed replay speeds so they can once again be changed while the replay is paused.

* (4)Turtle Rock - Top right and bottom left creep camps now drop equivalent items.
* (4)Twisted Meadows - Added some trees near the south Mercenary Camp to prevent mercenary purchase without engaging the creeps. Also added some trees to prevent item purchase from Goblin Merchant without engaging creep camp.
* (6)Demon's Crossing - Removed the two Dragon Roosts and their accompanying creep camps from both sides of the map, then altered the creep camp guarding the remaining Dragon Roost. Rebalanced most of the creep camps to be more player friendly.
* (6)Monsoon - Added some trees near the water line to prevent units from moving behind them.
* (6)Typhoon - Added some trees near the expansion gold mines to prevent the creeps from harassing players when they pass by. Added some trees to start locations and moved bottom middle start location closer to trees to help with initial harvesting.
* (6)Upper Kingdom - The two center creep camps that are guarding gold mines have been pushed back from common pathing areas.
* (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Center creeps pushed further back away from common pathing areas through the middle.
* (8)Gold Rush - Fixed missing Tavern from the bottom left corner.

* Haunted and Entangled Gold Mines are now indicated on the minimap.
* The experience bonus for having a single Hero and owning a tier-2 or tier-3 town hall has been increased to +15%/+30% from +10%/+20%.
* Line damage spells such as Shockwave, Carrion Swarm, Breath of Fire, and Breath of Frost no longer damage a targeted friendly unit.
* Default autocast spells (like Abolish Magic or Bloodlust) that require research will now have autocast enabled when the research completes.
* Arrow abilities set to autocast now override Orb effects.
* Repairing an upgrading building now uses the repair time and cost of the original building.
* Harvesting, building, and repairing workers are the only units left behind by a teleport.
* Hexed and polymorphed units now have the same statistics as the normal units except for movement speed and the model. Previously, these abilities were changing the armor type and hit point regeneration type.
* Constructing Peasants are now included in group selections. A constructing Peasant will automatically queue all orders unless it is the only unit selected, or until it receives a Stop order.
* Channeling ultimates now cancel invulnerability. If an invulnerability spell is used while channeling, channeling will end.
* Damage-capped AOE spells now have a seperate cap for friendly, enemy, and neutral units.
* Enemy units now take damage from Lightning Shielded illusions.
* If a unit is rallied to a unit/Hero that dies, the rallied unit will now continue to move towards the last spot the rally target occupied.

* Defend has been reworked. Piercing damage is still reduced by 50%, and there is now an additional 30% chance that a defending Footman will reflect unit attacks back on the source for full damage. Piercing damage building attacks have a 30% chance to do no damage.
* Banish now costs mana 75/60/50 by level, and has a 0-second cooldown at all levels, down from 5/3/1 seconds.
* Siphon Mana drain per second has been reduced to 15/30/45 from 18/35/55.
* Siphon Mana has been reworked. It now transfers mana from an enemy to the Blood Mage, or from the Blood Mage to an ally. Additionally, Siphon Mana can push the Blood Mage's mana up to as much as twice its normal maximum value, though mana gained in this way drains off rapidly if not used.
* Blood Mage attack speed increased by 30%.
* Flame Strike damage cap set to the equivalent of 6 targets, up from 5.
* Knight hit points increased to 835 from 800.
* Arcane Towers now deal 20 bonus damage per attack to summoned units.
* Divine Shield can no longer be deactivated.
* Phoenixes no longer regenerate life from a Fountain of Health.

* Death Knight base armor reduced to 3 from 4.
* Banshee attack range increased to 600 from 500.
* Units raised by Animate Dead are now invulnerable to dispels as well as damage.
* Destroyers no longer regenerate mana from a Fountain of Mana.
* Unsummoning an upgraded building now provides resources for the original building in addition to the cost of the upgrade (before it was just the cost of the upgrade).
* The Nerubian Towers' frost attacks now properly affect magic-immune units.
* Devour Magic now dispels the owl summoned by Sentinel, but does not give mana to the Destroyer.
* Since we have corrected the splash damage bug with Destroyers, we have reverted Destroyers to their old 1.14 statistics. Destroyers now have mana regeneration of -3/sec (down from -6/sec), Orb of Annihilation now costs 25 mana down from 50 mana, and Devour Magic restores 75 mana per unit dispelled, down from 150. Note that Devour Magic no longer gives health or mana when a player devours friendly buffs.

* Wind Walk now allows the Blademaster to walk through units.
* Wind Walk's backstab damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/85/120.
* Unstable Concoction primary target damage increased to 600 from 550.
* Chain Lightning will now jump to sleeping targets if the primary target is also asleep.
* Tauren Chieftain base Intelligence increased to 15 from 14.
* Troll Batrider build time increased from 25 to 28.
* Experience granted for killing the Spirit Wolves summoned by the spell Feral Spirit increased by approximately 40%.
* Spirit Link can now be used to affect illusions.
* Spirit Walkers now appear before Raiders and Kodo Beasts in the group selection.
* Troll Batriders can no longer use Unstable Concoction while Banished.

* Abolish Magic no longer auto-dispels hero spells.
* Abolish Magic no longer removes positive buffs on friendlies or negative buffs on enemies when manually cast (it already did this for autocast).
* Rejuvenation can now target magic immune units.
* Faerie Fire armor debuff reduced to 4 from 5.
* Archer hit points increased to 245 from 240.
* Faerie Dragon damage increased to 14-16 from 13-14.
* Level-1 Entangling Roots base duration reduced to 9 seconds from 12, but level-3 Entangling Roots damage increased to 25 per second from 15 per second.
* Ancient Protector's attack now uses a homing missile.
* The Huntress' bouncing attacks will no longer bounce back to the initial target.
* Shadow Strike is no longer removed by Banish.
* Taunt now affects only the 10 closest units. It is also now disabled by Banish.

* Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 270 from 300.
* Cluster Rockets mana cost reduced to 70 from 75.
* Voidwalker mercenaries now cost 2 food, up from 1.
* Hydras spawned from a splitting parent are no longer considered summoned units.

* Targeting an unwalkable location with a Scroll of Town Portal will now try to place units as close to that location as possible. If no valid location can be found, the units will be teleported to an area around the town hall.
* All Orbs now affect magic-immune units.
* Orb of Corruption debuff can no longer be dispelled.
* Orb of Fire now deals Spell damage instead of Magic damage.
* Mechanical Critters are no longer displayed on the minimap.
* Mechanical Critters no longer teleport with you.
* Amulet of Spell Shield no longer blocks physical skills (e.g., Ensnare).

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.16 replays cannot be viewed with the 1.17 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games will not load from version 1.16.

The Frozen Throne Beta Patch 406
* Fixed a problem that caused peasants with build orders to be included in teleport spells.
* Fixed a problem with Burning Oil that caused the effect to not be created when buildings were attacked directly.
* Fixed a problem with War Drums and Command Aura that caused them to not affect any units.
* Fixed a problem with the Melee AI that would prevent it from cancelling damaged buildings with low hitpoints.
* Fixed a problem that caused some instant spells cast after a targeted spell to execute before the targeted spell.
* Fixed a problem with Wind Walk that would prevent the Blademaster from walking through units when certain spells wore off, or he was dropped from a transport.
* Fixed a graphical bug with Spiked Barricades that would display when upgrading the Great Hall without it being researched.
* Fixed a problem that prevented Mass Teleport and the Staff of Teleportation from targeting allied units.
* Fixed a problem that prevented the Staff of Preservation and the Staff of Sanctuary from targeting air units.
* Fixed a bug that allowed the Staff of Preservation and the Staff of Sanctuary to target uprooted buildings.
* Fixed problems with the Melee AI when it attempted to use certain instant spells.
* Fixed a problem with Morphing units re-executing commands that were interrupted by the morph timer expiring.
* Fixed an exploit that would allow players to track enemy units under the fog of war with queued move commands.
* Fixed a problem with units following enemy units and never proceeding to the next order when they moved underneath the fog.
* Fixed a problem with spells that can target a point or unit (like Shockwave) fail when the selected target dies. If the selected target runs under the fog or teleports, the spell is intended to fail.
* Fixed a problem with Envenomed Spears wearing off too early if the affected unit was also affected by Slow Poison or the Orb of Venom.
* Fixed the invisibility transition time for levels 2 and 3 of Wind Walk.
* Fixed the orb air attack speeds for the Blood Mage, Pit Lord, and Fire Lord.
* Fixed the armor upgrade values for Human, Orc, and Undead shops.

* Siphon Mana drain per second has been reduced to 15/30/45 from 18/35/55.

* In order to balance Wind Walk for its recent code upgrade, we have decreased Wind Walk's backstab damage to 40/70/100 from 50/85/120.
* Unstable Concoction primary target damage increased to 600 from 550.
* Chain Lightning will now jump to sleeping targets if the primary target is also asleep.

* Abolish Magic no longer auto-dispels hero spells.
* Abolish Magic no longer removes positive buffs on friendlies or negative buffs on enemies when manually cast (it already did this for autocast).
* Rejuvination can now target magic immune units.

* Healing Spray healing per wave upgraded from 30/45/60 to 35/50/65.
* Acid Bomb armor reduction is now 3/4/5 by level, changed from 4/4/4.
* Acid Bomb now hits air units. It only splashes on units of the same target type as primary target.
* Lava Spawn levels changed to 4/5/6 from 3/4/5.
* Lava Spawns now must attack 14 times to replicate, up from 12.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.17 Beta 405 replays cannot be viewed with the 1.17 Beta 406 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games will not load from version 1.17 Beta 405.

The Frozen Throne Beta Patch 405
* Fixed a problem that could cause working acolytes to be included in teleport spells.
* Fixed an issue with Taunt that prevented the ability from working under certain conditions.
* Fixed a problem with Transmute such that the spell now awards proper experience for the unit transmuted.
* Fixed a graphical issue with Volcano that could cause the Moon Well water art to float.
* Fixed a problem with Soul Burn that was incorrectly preventing all damage from affected units rather than partial damage.
* Fixed an issue with the Demon Hunter which could cause the Hero to permanently lose attack damage when reverting from Metamorphosis while affected by True Shot Aura.
* Fixed a problem with Incinerate that was causing affected units to award experience improperly when killed.
* Fixed an issue with displaying the upgraded Tree Of Life graphics.
* Fixed a problem with Chemical Rage causing the ability to interrupt the Alchemist's current actions when the spell wore off.
* Fixed an issue causing Incinerate's bonus damage to be applied to all units attacking the target instead of just the Firelord.
* Fixed a problem preventing Phased Faerie Dragons from town portaling.
* Fixed an issue with Faerie Dragons that could cause them to become unresponsive to most commands if you Phase Shifted just as the unit was attacking something.
* Fixed a problem that was causing the Trueshot Aura icon to display on units without a ranged attack.
* Fixed an issue with the Incinerate explosion so that it always affects other units of the same type you targeted. (i.e. Attacking a ground unit will hurt other ground units. Attacking an air unit will hurt other air units. Structures are not affected.)
* Fixed Doom so that the spell now has a maximum creep level.
* Fixed Banish and Sleep so they are now auto-dispelled as intended.
* Fixed a problem with Polymorphed/Hexed units that would hide the ability buttons of other units of the same type in a selection or subgroup.
* Fixed an issue with Phased Faerie Dragons that would prevent them from teleporting.
* Fixed an issue that casued Crypt Fiends to deactivate Web when they unburrowed.
* Fixed a problem with channeling spells that would prevent them from being recast while channeling.
* Fixed a problem that caused units to become unresponsive if they needed to move closer to their target after the casting process had started.
* Fixed a problem with Cleaving Attack that would prevent it from working when Orbs were equipped.
* Fixed an issue that would not allow Mechanical Critters as targets of the Staff of Teleportation.
* Fixed a problem with Feedback causing the ability to deal summoned damage to any units with a mana pool.
* Fixed an issue with Cleaving Attack that would cause Thorns Aura to reflect damage on targets that took splash damage.
* Fixed an issue preventing Acid Bomb from damaging Ethereal units.

* Defend no longer reflects attacks to buildings, and its chance of reflection against units has been reduced to 30% from 40%.
* Banish mana cost increased to 75/60/50 from 75/50/35.

* Since we have corrected the splash damage bug with Destroyers, we have reverted Destroyers to their old 1.14 statistics. Destroyers now have mana regeneration of -3/sec (down from -6/sec), Orb of Annihilation now costs 25 mana down from 50 mana, and Devour Magic restores 75 mana per unit dispelled, down from 150. Note that Devour Magic no longer gives health or mana when a player devours friendly buffs.

* Healing Spray no longer works on buildings.
* Goblin Alchemist base agility increased to 10 from 7.
* Healing spray area of effect increased to 250 from 200.
* Lava Spawn base armor changed to reflect intended values of 0/1/2 by level (down from 1/2/3).
* Level 2 Lava Spawn hit points decreased from 575 to 550 and level 1 Lava Spawn damage decreased to 11-27 from 13-37.
* Lava Spawns now require 12 successful attacks to split, up from 10.
* Additional team color has been added to the Lava Spawn artwork.
* Lava Spawns now darken each time they split. Each level of Lava Spawn has the same starting color.
* Soul Burn duration vs heroes reduced to 6/7/8 from 7/8/9.
* Volcano mana cost increased to 200 from 150.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.17 Beta 404
replays cannot be viewed with the 1.17 Beta 405 version of Warcraft III).
Custom save games will not load from version 1.17 Beta 404.

The Frozen Throne Beta Patch 404
- Two new Neutral Heroes, the Firelord and the Goblin Alchemist, have been added to the game. For further information on these exciting new Heroes and a listing of their abilities, visit http://www.battle.net/war3 .
- A "Profile" button has been added to the Battle.net toolbar. You can now look at your profile from the Battle.net news page without ever entering chat.
- Replays now display their version number in the Replay selection screen.
- Designating a new clan chieftain now includes a confirmation dialogue.
- 9 maps from our Bonus Map program including (8)Funny Bunny's Egg Hunt, (8)Shamrock Reef, (8)Dragon Falls, (8)Deadlock, (8)Gold Rush, (8)Slalom, (6)Copper Canyon, (6)Rolling Hills, and (4)Predators.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Orb of Annihilation's splash damage to ignore armor.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Metamorphosis to cancel the effects of a Staff of Teleportation.
- Fixed Devour such that devoured units now give experience to the owner of the Kodo Beast if it gets polymorphed/hexed and instantly digests the unit.
- Fixed rally points such that friendly units will no longer cancel rally orders to Heroes that teleport, Blink, or Mirror Image.
- Fixed illusions so they now get correct damage, armor, life, and mana bonuses consistent with the original units.
- Fixed an issue with morphed units that could cause them to cost food when revived by Animated Dead if they had died in their morphed form.
- Fixed the Storm Pandaren (from the Pandaren Brewmaster's ultimate) so it now correctly displays Wind Walk's backstab damage.
- Fixed a problem with Flame Strike that wouldn't allow Blood Mages to become invisible after they finished channeling the spell. Prior to this fix, the Blood Mage would become visible for as long as damage was taking place, despite the fact that he was no longer casting the spell.
- Fixed upgrading buildings such that they now receive the correct hit point bonus from the Masonry upgrade.
- Fixed a problem that could cause manually cast arrow abilities to occasionally fail.
- Fixed racial shops so they no longer block line of sight.
- Fixed multiple units' casting the same spell so they now distribute the load more efficiently.
- Fixed creeps so that missile spells no longer wake them when launched. Instead, the creeps now wake when a spell hits.
- Fixed channeling units so they will auto-queue orders issued to the entire selection except for Stop and Hide. Orders issued to the selected subgroup will break channeling (so you can teleport out of the area while channeling).
- Fixed units in the middle of a non-channeling spell such that they will now auto-queue all orders until the spell is complete.
- Fixed Hero icons so their order is now consistent throughout the game.
- Fixed replay speeds so they can once again be changed while the replay is paused.

Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (4)Turtle Rock - Top right and bottom left creep camps now drop equivalent items.
- (4)Twisted Meadows - Added some trees near the south Mercenary Camp to prevent mercenary purchase without engaging the creeps. Also added some trees to prevent item purchase from Goblin Merchant without engaging creep camp.
- (6)Demon's Crossing - Removed the two Dragon Roosts and their accompanying creep camps from both sides of the map, then altered the creep camp guarding the remaining Dragon Roost. Rebalanced most of the creep camps to be more player friendly.
- (6)Monsoon - Added some trees near the water line to prevent units from moving behind them.
- (6)Typhoon - Added some trees near the expansion gold mines to prevent the creeps from harassing players when they pass by. Added some trees to start locations and moved bottom middle start location closer to trees to help with initial harvesting.
- (6)Upper Kingdom - The two center creep camps that are guarding gold mines have been pushed back from common pathing areas.
- (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Center creeps pushed further back away from common pathing areas through the middle.
- (8)Gold Rush - Fixed missing Tavern from the bottom left corner.

Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (6)Dark Forest - Cleaned up some trees to provide wider areas for larger groups to path through. The creep camp guarding the top middle expansion gold mine no longer attacks units that path nearby.

- Haunted and Entangled Gold Mines are now indicated on the minimap.
- The experience bonus for having a single Hero and owning a tier-2 or tier-3 town hall has been increased to +15%/+30% from +10%/+20%.
- Line damage spells such as Shockwave, Carrion Swarm, Breath of Fire, and Breath of Frost no longer damage a targeted friendly unit.
- Default autocast spells (like Abolish Magic or Bloodlust) that require research will now activate when the research completes.
- Arrow abilities set to autocast now override Orb effects.
- Repairing an upgrading building now uses the repair time and cost of the original building.
- Harvesting, building, and repairing workers are the only units left behind by a teleport.
- Hexed and polymorphed units now have the same statistics as the normal units except for movement speed and the model. Previously, these abilities were changing the armor type and hit point regeneration type.
- Constructing Peasants are now included in group selections. A constructing Peasant will automatically queue all orders unless it is the only unit selected, or until it receives a Stop order.
- Channeling ultimates now cancel invulnerability. If an invulnerability spell is used while channeling, channeling will end.
- Damage-capped AOE spells now have a seperate cap for friendly, enemy, and neutral units.
- Enemy units now take damage from Lightning Shielded illusions.
- If a unit is rallied to a unit/Hero that dies, the rallied unit will now continue to move towards the last spot the rally target occupied.

- Defend has been reworked. Piercing damage is still reduced by 50%, and there is now an additional 40% chance that a defending Footman will reflect the attack back on the source for full damage.
- Siphon Mana has been reworked. It now transfers mana from an enemy to the Blood Mage, or from the Blood Mage to an ally. Additionally, Siphon Mana can push the Blood Mage's mana up to as much as twice its normal maximum value, though mana gained in this way drains off rapidly if not used.
- Blood Mage attack speed increased by 30%.
- Flame Strike damage cap set to the equivalent of 6 targets, up from 5.
- Banish now costs mana 75/50/35 by level, and has a 0-second cooldown at all levels, down from 5/3/1 seconds.
- Knight hit points increased to 835 from 800.
- Arcane Towers now deal 20 bonus damage per attack to summoned units.
- Divine Shield can no longer be deactivated.
- Phoenixes no longer regenerate life from a Fountain of Health.

- Death Knight base armor reduced to 3 from 4.
- Banshee attack range increased to 600 from 500.
- Units raised by Animate Dead are now invulnerable to dispels as well as damage.
- Destroyers no longer regenerate mana from a Fountain of Mana.
- Unsummoning an upgraded building now provides resources for the original building in addition to the cost of the upgrade (was just the cost of the upgrade).
- The Nerubian Towers' frost attacks now properly affect magic-immune units.
- Devour Magic now dispels the owl summoned by Sentinel, but does not give mana to the Destroyer.

- Tauren Chieftain base Intelligence increased to 15 from 14.
- Troll Batrider build time increased from 25 to 28.
- Experience granted for killing the Spirit Wolves summoned by the spell Feral Spirit increased by approximately 40%.
- Spirit Link can now be used to affect illusions.
- Wind Walk now allows the Blademaster to walk through units.
- Spirit Walkers now appear before Raiders and Kodo Beasts in the group selection.
- Troll Batriders can no longer use Unstable Concoction while Banished.

- Faerie Fire armor debuff reduced to 4 from 5.
- Archer hit points increased to 245 from 240.
- Faerie Dragon damage increased to 14-16 from 13-14.
- Level-1 Entangling Roots base duration reduced to 9 seconds from 12, but level-3 Entangling Roots damage increased to 25 per second from 15 per second.
- Ancient Protector's attack now uses a homing missile.
- The Huntress' bouncing attacks will no longer bounce back to the initial target.
- Shadow Strike is no longer removed by Banish.
- Taunt now affects only the 10 closest units. It is also now disabled by Banish.

- Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 270 from 300.
- Cluster Rockets mana cost reduced to 70 from 75.
- Voidwalker mercenaries now cost 2 food, up from 1.
- Hydras spawned from a splitting parent are no longer considered summoned units.

- Targeting an unwalkable location with a Scroll of Town Portal will now try to place units as close to that location as possible. If no valid location can be found, the units will be teleported to an area around the town hall.
- All Orbs now affect magic-immune units.
- Orb of Corruption debuff can no longer be dispelled.
- Orb of Fire now deals Spell damage instead of Magic damage.
- Mechanical Critters are no longer displayed on the minimap.
- Mechanical Critters no longer teleport with you.
- Amulet of Spell Shield no longer blocks physical skills (e.g., Ensnare).

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.16 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.17 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.16.


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