WC3Db - Databank

Saturday, May 20, 2006

ROC Patch 1.19

Category: WC3Db / Patches

Reign of Chaos Patch 1.19

* (2)PlunderIsle
o Added ground anti-air creep to both center goldmines.
o Added ground anti-air creep to both center Goblin Merchants.

* (6)ScrochedBasin
o Removed center creep camp and neutral building
o Reduced the creep level of the two center goldmines from a Red camp to Green camps.
o Opened up all choke points on the map.
o Added trees to all start locations to ensure better balance with all races.

* (8)GolemsInTheMist
o Removed the center creep and Neutral building.

* (8)PlainsOfSnow
o 3 of the 4 center goldmine creep camps dropped a level 5 charged item,so I fixed it so all 4 drop a level 5 charged items.
o Added a Goblin Merchant between Teal and Purple start location. Also increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged items.
o Added a Goblin Merchant between Pink and Green start location. Also increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged items.

* Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the same level will now always sell for the same amount.
* Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

Reign of Chaos Patch 1.19b
* Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games


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