Category Qualification: WC3Db / Online Leagues and Ladders
Category Finals: WC3Db / Offline Events and LANs / International Offline Events
Name: WC3L (Warcraft III Championsleague, ESL WC3L Series)
Homepage: www.wc3l.com | www.wc3l.de
Total Price Money: EUR
Founder: Baschi
Organizer: ESL (since Season 5) | inWarcraft.de (Season 1-4)
Sponsor: PC-Cooling.de (since Season 5) | NGL (Season 1)
Partner: Blizzard (since Season 6)
Event Overview
WC3L Season 9 (WC3L Season IX)
WC3L Season 8 (WC3L Season VIII)
WC3L Season 7 (WC3L Season VII)
WC3L Season 6 (WC3L Season VI)
WC3L Season 5 (WC3L Season V)
WC3L Season 4 (WC3L Season IV)
WC3L Season 3 (WC3L Season III)
WC3L Season 2 (WC3L Season II)
WC3L Season 1 (WC3L Season I)
WC3L Season 9 (WC3L Season IX)
Start: 01. February 2006
End: 30. March 2006
Participants. 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.20c
Modus: 4x 1on1 best of 3 + 1x 2on2 best of 3
Season 9 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Creolophus, Grubby, Zeus19, KaJ, FoV, FuRy, ToD)
mTw.ATI -> mTw.expekt (LasH, Tak3r, BasH, hanf, Protois)
mYm.Raptor-Gaming (BerA, EVE, Lucifer, Moon, Storm, Ciara)
fnatic Team (LiiL.C, SunShinE, Creolophus, Bjarke, DIDI8, WinneR, Abver, sAtiiNi, XyLigan, Vank0r)
plan-B -> Team LanFan (Lefthander, WuLvEraTe, Space, leekigogo, JoeY, Style, sAtiiNi, epilogue, Space, DaeBu)
A.S Teamplay.it -> Homeless -> 12-05-06 -> Placeholder (Abver, XyLigan, Spider, Mamoru, HomeRunBall, Lyn)
United 5 (IncInerator, PaTo, Canuck, NilknarfLP)
verGe Gaming (Hunter, GeNThO, Darius, Virus, SonKiE, Rainman, Wizard)
Mousesports.GeiL (Spell, HasuObs, PhilBoT, Romeo, SaSe, BasH)
SK Gaming (TaKe, Fisch, Zacard, Deadman, HoT, Insomnia, ElakeDuck)
NIP-gaming (GoStop, NangChun, FarSeer, SouthSea, Rainbow)
World Elite.IGE (Sweet, Check, SoJu, Sky, suhO, Anas, DuCui, FoCuS, xTiGer, Sky, ReMinD)
Season 9 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (40 Points, 09-02 Matches, 91:47 Score, Playoffs)
2. mYm.Raptor-Gaming (39 Points, 10-01 Matches, 89:43 Score, Playoffs)
3. World Elite.IGE (36 Points, 09-02 Matches, 80:53 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. SK Gaming (35 Points, 08-03 Matches, 81:58 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. NIP-gaming (31 Points, 06-05 Matches, 75:64 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. Placeholder (28 Points, 05-06 Matches, 74:66 Score, pre-Playoffs)
7. fnatic Team (24 Points, 04-07 Matches, 64:69 Score)
8. verGe Gaming (23 Points, 05-06 Matches, 56:77 Score)
9. Mousesports.GeiL (23 Points, 04-07 Matches, 60:79 Score)
10. United 5 (21 Points, 04-07 Matches, 59:80 Score)
11. mTw.expekt (15 Points, 02-09 Matches, 47:90 Score)
12. Team LanFan (11 Points, 00-11 Matches, 39:90 Score)
Playoffs Season 9:
Location: Germany, Oberhausen, Zinkfabrik Altenberg
Start: 23. June 2006
End: 24. June 2006
Total Price Money: 10.000 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. mYm.Raptor-Gaming (Moon, Lucifer, Susiria, Storm: 5.000 EUR)
2. 4Kings.Intel (Zeus[19], Grubby, FoV, ToD: 3.000 EUR)
3. SK Gaming (Deadman, HoT, Zacard, Insomnia: 1.500 EUR)
4. World Elite (ReMinD, SoJu, suhO, Sky: 500 EUR)
WC3L Season 8 (WC3L Season VIII)
Start: 21. July 2005
End: 15. November 2005
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.18 / TFT 1.19 / TFT 1.19b / TFT 1.20a
Modus: 4x 1on1 best of 3 + 1x 2on2 best of 3
Season 8 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, ToD, FoV, FuRy, Zeus[19])
Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (Way, Rainbow, Romeo, Way, GoStop, FarSeer, Panic, PhilBoT, HasuObs, Spell)
SK Gaming (ElakeDuck, MaDFroG, Zacard, Deadman, Insomnia, TaKe, HoT)
mTw.ATI (Ghostridah, Aether, Tak3r, ShoCK, WinneR, DIDI8, Zerter, Zubie, BasH)
mYm.Hanbit (Lucifer, Susiria, BerA, Storm, Susiria, Ciara, EVE)
rS-Gaming -> Check 6 -> verGe Gaming (eTched, Hunter, fire, BoO, Suboshi, Wizard, PiLLaGe)
fnatic Team (Caravaggio, Creolophus, RotterdaM, Vank0r, Bjarke, SaSe, Rholle)
Team Ownage -> A.S Teamplay.it (DeliCato, SjoW, Spider, eNdure, Abver, Lyn, eNvious, Tharkas)
goodgame (ChobO, Wolf, BIatty, sAtiiNi, FaTC, Sad)
Incredible Teamaction (Tama, FlasH, FiX, Point, Giacoma, BoB_IsNice, Psycheout, Cherep, Huma4nic)
Team Pentagram (X_x_X, Darkside, Paladyn, NightWOlf, TeRRoR, MeS, Arch, Ryba, LinKin)
plan-B (GLaiVe, DreaMLanD, ToRReN, Ziebed, Style, ChrisS, LiiLD.C)
Season 8 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (36 Points, 10-00 Matches, 78:37 Score, Playoffs)
2. mYm.Hanbit (36 Points, 08-02 Matches, 79:39 Score, Playoffs)
3. SK Gaming (36 Points, 08-02 Matches, 78:39 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (31 Points, 07-03 Matches, 73:53 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. A.S. Teamplay.it (26 Points, 05-05 Matches, 61:63 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. fnatic Team (25 Points, 05-05 Matches, 62:60 Score, pre-Playoffs)
7. plan-B (19 Points, 03-07 Matches, 47:71 Score)
8. mTw.ATI (19 Points, 02-08 Matches, 50:71 Score)
9. Incredible Teamaction (18 Points, 04-06 Matches, 57:68 Score)
10. verGe Gaming (18 Points, 03-07 Matches, 46:71 Score)
11. Team Pentagram (07 Points, 00-10 Matches, 29:86 Score)
12. goodgame
Playoffs Season 8:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 26. November 2005
End: 27. November 2005
Total Price Money: 5.000 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (Grubby, ToD, Zeus[19], FuRy)
2. mYm.Hanbit (Susiria, Storm, EVE, BerA)
3. Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (Shortround, HasuObs, Romeo, Spell)
4. SK Gaming (EvenStar, Zacard, MaDFroG, HoT, Insomnia)
5. fnatic
6. A.S. Teamplay.it
WC3L Season 7 (WC3L Season VII)
Start: 13. January 2005
End: 04. April 2005
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.17 / TFT 1.18
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 7 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, FuRy, FoV, ToD, Zeus[19])
SK.Gaming Internatinal (MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, HoT, HeMaN, Zacard, May, Sweet, FaTC, DominatoR, Deadman)
Team 3wD (Demon-TT, OMA.S.Jack, BiGeR, FlasH, SoJu, FlasH, eNvious, BiGD, gh0sT, 3Bepb, JustStar, RotterdaM)
Team64.AMD (ElakeDuck, SaSe, Caravaggio, King.Crimson, WinneR, Deadman, Creolophus)
Deutschlands kranke Horde (PoDoX, TrueShot, EvE, ZeN, Ravage, DaviN, Facilis, dev, epilogue, sAtiiNi, TheUndeTaker, klog_joe)
mTw -> mTw.ATI (Ghostridah, RushWizard, LasH, Tak3r, DIDI8, ShoCK, Aether)
Revolution Sports Gaming (eTched, Hunter, Arcanne, KOoba, Boo, PhilBoT, Shore, PiLLaGe)
GoodGameLeague -> United 5 (qazzi, yahi, Sabre, Zzat, Incinerator, Newbiee, DaViVi, Legato, Tazz)
The JuNgLe TeaM (Levin, Gillian, PaTo, Skyward, Photon, Lombrastic, Myst, aDyRo)
MeetYourMakers (Wolfy, Ciara, Lucifer, GoStop, Maestro, Susiria, plaZ)
Team Ownage (Zerter, Zubie, Delicato, SjoW, aNty)
mousesports.BenQ (Jan, dArk, HasuObs, PuN1Sher, Spell, Shortround, Panic, Romeo, Wolf, Suboshi, mightyx)
Season 7 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (43 Points, 11-00 Matches, 93:37 Score, Playoffs)
2. MeetYourMakers (37 Points, 08-03 Matches, 85:49 Score, Playoffs)
3. Team64.AMD (36 Points, 09-02 Matches, 81:57 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. Mousesports.BenQ (32 Points, 07-04 Matches, 76:60 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. SK Gaming International (29 Points, 06-05 Matches, 69:61 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. mTw.ATI (29 Points, 06-05 Matches, 68:73 Score, Playoffs, pre-Playoffs)
7. Team Ownage (27 Points, 05-06 Matches, 64:73 Score)
8. Revolution Sports Gaming (25 Points, 05-06 Matches, 68:69 Score)
9. United 5 (19 Points, 03-08 Matches, 56:80 Score)
10. Team 3wD (18 Points, 01-10 Matches, 54:82 Score)
11. Deutschlands kranke Horde (17 Points, 03-08 Matches, 49:88 Score)
12. The JuNgLe TeaM (17 Points, 02-09 Matches, 51:58 Score)
Playoffs Season 7:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 21 May 2005
End: 22. May 2005
Total Price Money:
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the Offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
System: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (FuRy, Zeus[19], Grubby, ToD, FoV)
2. Team64.AMD (WinneR, Creolophus, SaSe, ElakeDuck)
3. SK Gaming International (Zacard, miou, HoT, Insomnia)
4. MeetYourMakers (Ciara, Susiria, Lucifer, GoStop, Bjarke)
5. mTw.ATI
6. Mousesports.BenQ
WC3L Season 6 (WC3L Season VI)
Start: 15. August 2004
End: 20. November 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.16 / TFT 1.17
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 6 Lineup:
SK Gaming International (MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, HeMaN, RushWizard, Insomnia, Zacard)
SK Gaming Germany (sTOrM, Thagor, TaKe, kookian, j4yiwd, boNe, KaiN, miou)
MeetYourMakers (aCe, CoReY, midnight, plaZ, Susiria, Bjarke, ySKhYr, TuNe, jango)
Destination Skyline (Magik, Durandal, n0mad, DIDI8, Demon-TT, Suboshi, Talon, bonchance)
Team64.AMD (WaWeR, bogoos, Cara, Soul, ElakeDuck, Crimson, SaSe, FiguRen, xzidez)
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, Zeus[19], LaWn, FuRy, KaJ)
Team 3wD (HomeRunBall, Lyn, Karma, Ranger, OMA,S.Jack, 420, BigEr, eNvious)
Mousesports (HasuObs, PuN1Sher, Jan, dArk, Panic, Spell, Vank0r)
Storm Games Clans (Denon, Moloch, Uhlyk, Hum4nic, InTheEnd, DORAN, Frido, Tlaloc, MokoNoTora, Rong, Lagking)
DkH.Mystify (EvE, Mirai, DaviN, eLTmaNN-ciTy, TrueShot, PoDoX, Ravage, Galeth)
armaTeam (MnZ, Skyward, Sabre, Shortround, ToD, Deadman, SeGaL, FoV, Deco)
mTw (Aether, Ghostridah, Tak3r, LasH, JanThePig, Benni)
Season 6 Ranking:
1. 4 Kings.Intel (31 Points, 08-01 Matches, 71:37 Score, canceled Playoffs)
2. Mousesports (31 Points, 07-02 Matches, 67:42 Score, Playoffs)
3. SK Gaming International (30 Points, 06-03 Matches, 65:47, Playoffs)
4. mTw (29 Points, 06-03 Matches, 64:44 Score, canceled Playoffs)
5. MeetYourMakers (25 Points, 07-02 Matches, 57:47 Score, Playoffs)
6. Team64.AMD (22 Points, 03-06 Matches, 57:51 Score, Playoffs)
7. Team 3wD (21 Points, 04-05 Matches, 55:55 Score)
8. DkH.Mystify (18 Points, 02-07 Matches, 44:62 Score)
9. SK Gaming Germany (14 Points, 02-07 Matches, 39:68 Score)
10. Storm Games Clan (04 Points, 00-09 Matches, 18:84 Score)
11. armaTeam
11. Destination Skyline
Playoffs Season 6:
Location: Denmark, Copenhagen, Internet Café
Start: 04. December 2004
End: 05. December 2004
Total Price Money:
Participants: 4 Clans
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. MeetYourMakers (Ciara, ySKhYr, Susiria, GoStop, Ciara, Susiria)
2. Team64.AMD (SaSe, Elakeduck, Deadman, Caravaggio, Enrique, Crimson)
3. SK International (SuRviVoR, MaDFroG, FaTC, HeMaN, Zacard)
4. Mousesports (Jan, dArk, Shortround, Suboshi, Panic, Spell)
WC3L Season 5 (WC3L Season V)
Start: 01. April 2004
End: 20. June 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.14b
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 5 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando International (Insomnia, ZeeRaX, DominatoR, SuRviVoR, FaTC, Sweet, HeMaN, SeaWeed)
Team 3wD -> Team 3wD (Alven, Limmet, Karma, Ranger, SjoW, Ranger, Delicato)
Mousesports (Jan, dArk, PuN1Sher, HasuObs, Spell, PaNiC_Wasano)
Destination Skyline (DIDI8, eNvious, sAtiiNi, n0mad, Chemi, Demon-TT)
Team 9 -> Clanless Power (BiZ, RaGman, sNaggy, Zubie, SaSe, Caravaggio, aNty)
mTw (Ghostridah, RushWizard, Tak3r, LasH)
4Kings (Grubby, Myth, FuRy, LaWn, KaJ, Zeus[19])
pro-Gaming (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, YaD, Amun, Hunter, CareLess, ShoCK, vanHunt, HoRRoR)
armaTeam (Sabre, RaZ, BIatty, Shortround, InToX, Deadman, Deco, ShowTime, Shore)
Schroet Kommando Germany (sTOrM, Thagor, j4yiwd, miou, Thagor)
MeetYourMakers (aCe, CoReY, KiA, Takete, Bjarke, ySkhYr, Geeko, GoStop, Susiria, Warthog, Jango, TuNe)
OCRANA.D-Link (TaKe, Harty, Zyrano, voOr, Crimson, kookian, DarK.FoRcE-, Caf1)
Season 5 Ranking:
1. 4Kings (38 Points, 09-01 Matches, 79:43 Score, Playoffs)
2. Schroet Kommando International (34 Points, 08-02 Matches, 82:43 Score, Playoffs)
3. mTw (32 Points, 07-03 Matches, 73:49 Score, Playoffs)
4. armaTeam (28 Points, 06-04 Machtes, 68:54 Score, Playoffs)
5. MeetYourMakers (25 Points, 06-04 Matches, 62:56 Score, Playoffs)
6. Identity.ioS (24 Points, 05-05 Matches, 61:59 Score, Playoffs)
7. Destination Skyline (23 Points, 03-07 Matches, 58:65 Score)
8. OCRANA.D-Link (19 Points, 04-06 Matches, 48:72 Score)
9. pro-Gaming (18 Points, 02-08 Matches, 49:75 Score)
10. Schroet Kommando Germany (17 Points, 03-07 Matches, 43:77 Score)
11. Mousesports (17 Points, 02-08 Matches, 47:77 Score)
12. Clanless Power
Playoffs Season 5:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 26 June 2004
End: 27 June 2004
Total Price Money: 2.500 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans
System: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. mTw (Wizard, Tak3r, Aether, JanThePig)
2. 4Kings (Zeus[19], Grubby, FuRy, LaWn, KaJ)
3. Schroet Kommando International (Insomnia, ZeeRaX, DominatoR, SuRviVoR, FaTC, HeMaN)
4. armaTeam (BIatty, InToX, ToD, Shore, Skyward)
5. MeetYourMakers (CoReY, ySKhYr, midnight, Bjarke)
6. 3wD (SjoW, Delicato, Karma, Ranger)
WC3L Season 4 (WC3L Season IV)
Start: 09. Oktober 2003
End: 28. March 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.13 / TFT 1.13b / TFT 1.14 / TFT 1.14b
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 4 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Kalaschni, Thagor, sTOrM, ToD, SuRviVoR, DominatoR, miou, pLaGuE, Seaweed, ZeeRaX)
OCRANA.D-Link (justtryit, voOr, Pagan, Zyrano, Deluxe, BIaze, kookian, boNe, kain, DarK.FoRcE-, DiaZ)
Revolution Sports Gaming (Tray, leolaporte, Hyper, Maestro, eTched, Love, Pills, KlasH, Akrobatik, X, Pillage, Universe)
pro-Gaming.net (Jan, dArk, Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, HoRRoR, Dezzi, Racor, Twinsen, FiSheYe)
mTw (LasH, Tak3r, Modo, Matzerg, Ghostridah, Scytale)
sTar (ChobO, OkaiN, Psio, DK, ArMoR, Wolfy, MeddY)
armaTeam (BIatty, Hazeem, MnZ, Shore, Deco, InToX, LwL, Wizard, GeNThO, Shortround)
Gamepoint -> 64AMD (Krackmaster, Saitoh, midnight, plaZ, DIDI8, Lituch, BigEr, Four20, Goldenboy, Kilrogg, Caravaggio, UberElf, heat, zirx, inFi, BiZ)
4Kings (Myth, Grubby, FuRy, LaWn, Zeus[19], Kiko, KaJ)
Destination Skyline (Ace, CoReY, Blue, Chemi, Ghortaur, Magik, Ouga, Puffe, eNvious, Durandal)
The aNcients (FEsTis, LeQua, CoReY, Ace, NitemarE, Delicato, SjoW) -> plan-B[headZ]
plan-B[headZ] (Duke, Nuke, Limmet, alven, Eldor, Hulm, SjoW)
SAINT (Winners, Medusa, Bestwolf, Sweet) -> a-Losers
a-Losers (Mirai, hAsU, XardaS, PuN1Sher, Dalai, CmdrCD, Spell, WoO, fl1ps, 11LooSeR1, ThurisaZ, Dan, uc-)
Season 4 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 4:
Sytem: double elimination
1. 4Kings
2. armaTeam
3. mTw
4. Destination Skyline
WC3L Season 3 (WC3L Season III)
Start: 01. June 2003
End: 23. September 2003
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.06 / TFT 1.10 / TFT 1.11 / TFT 1.12
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 3 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Insomnia, DominatoR, MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, sTOrM)
bmfheadz (Dukie, Nuke, Hulm, Twisted, Mahadeva)
a-Laget (???)
a-Losers (Dan, Dalai, WickedGame, st0r, GeNThO, FatRandy, mightyx, Crebom, Twi)
OCRANA.D-Link (Pagan, Zyrano, TaKe, Sky, Fire, Lunastar, Blaze)
4Kings (???)
pro-Gaming (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, HoRRoR, Twinsen, MouSe, pLaGuE, Dezzi, Nightwind, Racor)
XSarena -> sTar (DK, Psio, Okain, ChobO, Nada, ArMoR)
rSgaming.com (???)
e.Sports united (Jan, Harty, Four20[303], Grave, sTaTic, dArk)
armaTeam (InToX, ToD, BIatty, Hazeem, GeNThO, Wizard, Shore, MnZ)
mTw.alternate (Tak3r, LasH, ThePig, Ghostridah)
Season 3 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 3:
system: double elimination
1. mTw.alternate
2. Schroet Kommando
3. 4 Kings
4. armaTeam
WC3L Season 2 (WC3L Season II)
Start: 27. February 2003
End: 11. May 2003
Participants: 10 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.02a
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 2 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Insomnia, KaJ, MaDFroG, HeMaN, BeaveR, Eirik, Goldenboy, Kilrogg)
e.Sports united (Kilrogg, Ranger, Jan, Harty, DIDI8, NitemarE, Goldenboy, Soul, Asmodey, Zeus[19], four20, Kiko)
Advanced Online Losers -> a-Losers (Dan, Dalai, FatRandy, st0r, WickedGame, pLaGuE, Socke, GeNThO)
OCRANA.D-Link (Thagor, kookian, TaKe, Fire, Zyrano, Pagan)
Riot-Squad -> RsGaming.com (X, Asmarand, Falzure, Maestro, Hyper, leolaporte, Smurphet, Shortround-, Pussinboots)
pro-gaming.net (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, Nabb, Maid, MouSe, Twinsen, Zografa)
The-Feared (???)
Netco.sTar -> XSarena (ArMoR, ChobO, DK, OkaiN, MeddY)
mTw.alternate (Tak3r, ThePig, LasH, Matzerg, Modo, dArk)
armaTeam (FaTC, Overmind, ToD, BIatty, Shore, InToX)
Season 2 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 2:
System: double elimination
1. Schroet Kommando
2. armaTeam
3. mTw.alternate
4. a-Losers
WC3L Season 1 (WC3L Season I)
Start: 15. August 2002
End: 17. February 2003
Participants: 10 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.02 / ROC 1.02a
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 1 Lineup:
e.Sports united (NitemarE, KaJ, Soul, Asmodey, Kilrogg, Goldenboy, Zeus[19], Kiko)
Orcish Empire -> pro-Gaming (Twinsen, Charon, MouSe, Racor, Allanon)
Demons of Starcraft (piNg, Flamm, Sevarion, rAziD, DerTick, ThE, Sinister, Madness, SsaMJjaNG)
Team PcN (Dalai, Dan, Bizarre, DrizZt, Astrapilot, Avenger, eLeMeNt)
The-Feared (Domi, Rif, 2Hot, Demo, Kain, Nuh, Holy, Kida)
Advanched Online Losers (Labatyd, GeNThO, WickedGame, st0r)
Iomega (???)
Alien Invasion (dev, ThePig, Hazeem, BuRnY, Spawn, Vlodok, Ironman)
Ocrana.D-Link (Pagan, Zyrano, Thagor, Fire, TaKe, bIaZe)
Schroet Kommando (SuRviVoR, fortuNe, Insomnia, Eirik, sTOrM)
Season 1 Ranking (no Playoffs):
1. Schroet Kommando (Hardware -> www.esl.eu/news/5297 ~1.000 EUR)
2. e.Sports united
3. Ocrana.D-Link
4. Advanched Online Losers
5. pro Gaming
Category Qualification: WC3Db / Online Leagues and Ladders
Category Finals: WC3Db / Offline Events and LANs / International Offline Events
Name: WC3L (Warcraft III Championsleague, ESL WC3L Series)
Homepage: www.wc3l.com | www.wc3l.de
Total Price Money: EUR
Founder: Baschi
Organizer: ESL (since Season 5) | inWarcraft.de (Season 1-4)
Sponsor: PC-Cooling.de (since Season 5) | NGL (Season 1)
Partner: Blizzard (since Season 6)
Event Overview
WC3L Season 9 (WC3L Season IX)
WC3L Season 8 (WC3L Season VIII)
WC3L Season 7 (WC3L Season VII)
WC3L Season 6 (WC3L Season VI)
WC3L Season 5 (WC3L Season V)
WC3L Season 4 (WC3L Season IV)
WC3L Season 3 (WC3L Season III)
WC3L Season 2 (WC3L Season II)
WC3L Season 1 (WC3L Season I)
WC3L Season 9 (WC3L Season IX)
Start: 01. February 2006
End: 30. March 2006
Participants. 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.20c
Modus: 4x 1on1 best of 3 + 1x 2on2 best of 3
Season 9 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Creolophus, Grubby, Zeus19, KaJ, FoV, FuRy, ToD)
mTw.ATI -> mTw.expekt (LasH, Tak3r, BasH, hanf, Protois)
mYm.Raptor-Gaming (BerA, EVE, Lucifer, Moon, Storm, Ciara)
fnatic Team (LiiL.C, SunShinE, Creolophus, Bjarke, DIDI8, WinneR, Abver, sAtiiNi, XyLigan, Vank0r)
plan-B -> Team LanFan (Lefthander, WuLvEraTe, Space, leekigogo, JoeY, Style, sAtiiNi, epilogue, Space, DaeBu)
A.S Teamplay.it -> Homeless -> 12-05-06 -> Placeholder (Abver, XyLigan, Spider, Mamoru, HomeRunBall, Lyn)
United 5 (IncInerator, PaTo, Canuck, NilknarfLP)
verGe Gaming (Hunter, GeNThO, Darius, Virus, SonKiE, Rainman, Wizard)
Mousesports.GeiL (Spell, HasuObs, PhilBoT, Romeo, SaSe, BasH)
SK Gaming (TaKe, Fisch, Zacard, Deadman, HoT, Insomnia, ElakeDuck)
NIP-gaming (GoStop, NangChun, FarSeer, SouthSea, Rainbow)
World Elite.IGE (Sweet, Check, SoJu, Sky, suhO, Anas, DuCui, FoCuS, xTiGer, Sky, ReMinD)
Season 9 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (40 Points, 09-02 Matches, 91:47 Score, Playoffs)
2. mYm.Raptor-Gaming (39 Points, 10-01 Matches, 89:43 Score, Playoffs)
3. World Elite.IGE (36 Points, 09-02 Matches, 80:53 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. SK Gaming (35 Points, 08-03 Matches, 81:58 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. NIP-gaming (31 Points, 06-05 Matches, 75:64 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. Placeholder (28 Points, 05-06 Matches, 74:66 Score, pre-Playoffs)
7. fnatic Team (24 Points, 04-07 Matches, 64:69 Score)
8. verGe Gaming (23 Points, 05-06 Matches, 56:77 Score)
9. Mousesports.GeiL (23 Points, 04-07 Matches, 60:79 Score)
10. United 5 (21 Points, 04-07 Matches, 59:80 Score)
11. mTw.expekt (15 Points, 02-09 Matches, 47:90 Score)
12. Team LanFan (11 Points, 00-11 Matches, 39:90 Score)
Playoffs Season 9:
Location: Germany, Oberhausen, Zinkfabrik Altenberg
Start: 23. June 2006
End: 24. June 2006
Total Price Money: 10.000 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. mYm.Raptor-Gaming (Moon, Lucifer, Susiria, Storm: 5.000 EUR)
2. 4Kings.Intel (Zeus[19], Grubby, FoV, ToD: 3.000 EUR)
3. SK Gaming (Deadman, HoT, Zacard, Insomnia: 1.500 EUR)
4. World Elite (ReMinD, SoJu, suhO, Sky: 500 EUR)
WC3L Season 8 (WC3L Season VIII)
Start: 21. July 2005
End: 15. November 2005
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.18 / TFT 1.19 / TFT 1.19b / TFT 1.20a
Modus: 4x 1on1 best of 3 + 1x 2on2 best of 3
Season 8 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, ToD, FoV, FuRy, Zeus[19])
Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (Way, Rainbow, Romeo, Way, GoStop, FarSeer, Panic, PhilBoT, HasuObs, Spell)
SK Gaming (ElakeDuck, MaDFroG, Zacard, Deadman, Insomnia, TaKe, HoT)
mTw.ATI (Ghostridah, Aether, Tak3r, ShoCK, WinneR, DIDI8, Zerter, Zubie, BasH)
mYm.Hanbit (Lucifer, Susiria, BerA, Storm, Susiria, Ciara, EVE)
rS-Gaming -> Check 6 -> verGe Gaming (eTched, Hunter, fire, BoO, Suboshi, Wizard, PiLLaGe)
fnatic Team (Caravaggio, Creolophus, RotterdaM, Vank0r, Bjarke, SaSe, Rholle)
Team Ownage -> A.S Teamplay.it (DeliCato, SjoW, Spider, eNdure, Abver, Lyn, eNvious, Tharkas)
goodgame (ChobO, Wolf, BIatty, sAtiiNi, FaTC, Sad)
Incredible Teamaction (Tama, FlasH, FiX, Point, Giacoma, BoB_IsNice, Psycheout, Cherep, Huma4nic)
Team Pentagram (X_x_X, Darkside, Paladyn, NightWOlf, TeRRoR, MeS, Arch, Ryba, LinKin)
plan-B (GLaiVe, DreaMLanD, ToRReN, Ziebed, Style, ChrisS, LiiLD.C)
Season 8 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (36 Points, 10-00 Matches, 78:37 Score, Playoffs)
2. mYm.Hanbit (36 Points, 08-02 Matches, 79:39 Score, Playoffs)
3. SK Gaming (36 Points, 08-02 Matches, 78:39 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (31 Points, 07-03 Matches, 73:53 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. A.S. Teamplay.it (26 Points, 05-05 Matches, 61:63 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. fnatic Team (25 Points, 05-05 Matches, 62:60 Score, pre-Playoffs)
7. plan-B (19 Points, 03-07 Matches, 47:71 Score)
8. mTw.ATI (19 Points, 02-08 Matches, 50:71 Score)
9. Incredible Teamaction (18 Points, 04-06 Matches, 57:68 Score)
10. verGe Gaming (18 Points, 03-07 Matches, 46:71 Score)
11. Team Pentagram (07 Points, 00-10 Matches, 29:86 Score)
12. goodgame
Playoffs Season 8:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 26. November 2005
End: 27. November 2005
Total Price Money: 5.000 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (Grubby, ToD, Zeus[19], FuRy)
2. mYm.Hanbit (Susiria, Storm, EVE, BerA)
3. Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL (Shortround, HasuObs, Romeo, Spell)
4. SK Gaming (EvenStar, Zacard, MaDFroG, HoT, Insomnia)
5. fnatic
6. A.S. Teamplay.it
WC3L Season 7 (WC3L Season VII)
Start: 13. January 2005
End: 04. April 2005
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.17 / TFT 1.18
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 7 Lineup:
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, FuRy, FoV, ToD, Zeus[19])
SK.Gaming Internatinal (MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, HoT, HeMaN, Zacard, May, Sweet, FaTC, DominatoR, Deadman)
Team 3wD (Demon-TT, OMA.S.Jack, BiGeR, FlasH, SoJu, FlasH, eNvious, BiGD, gh0sT, 3Bepb, JustStar, RotterdaM)
Team64.AMD (ElakeDuck, SaSe, Caravaggio, King.Crimson, WinneR, Deadman, Creolophus)
Deutschlands kranke Horde (PoDoX, TrueShot, EvE, ZeN, Ravage, DaviN, Facilis, dev, epilogue, sAtiiNi, TheUndeTaker, klog_joe)
mTw -> mTw.ATI (Ghostridah, RushWizard, LasH, Tak3r, DIDI8, ShoCK, Aether)
Revolution Sports Gaming (eTched, Hunter, Arcanne, KOoba, Boo, PhilBoT, Shore, PiLLaGe)
GoodGameLeague -> United 5 (qazzi, yahi, Sabre, Zzat, Incinerator, Newbiee, DaViVi, Legato, Tazz)
The JuNgLe TeaM (Levin, Gillian, PaTo, Skyward, Photon, Lombrastic, Myst, aDyRo)
MeetYourMakers (Wolfy, Ciara, Lucifer, GoStop, Maestro, Susiria, plaZ)
Team Ownage (Zerter, Zubie, Delicato, SjoW, aNty)
mousesports.BenQ (Jan, dArk, HasuObs, PuN1Sher, Spell, Shortround, Panic, Romeo, Wolf, Suboshi, mightyx)
Season 7 Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (43 Points, 11-00 Matches, 93:37 Score, Playoffs)
2. MeetYourMakers (37 Points, 08-03 Matches, 85:49 Score, Playoffs)
3. Team64.AMD (36 Points, 09-02 Matches, 81:57 Score, pre-Playoffs)
4. Mousesports.BenQ (32 Points, 07-04 Matches, 76:60 Score, pre-Playoffs)
5. SK Gaming International (29 Points, 06-05 Matches, 69:61 Score, pre-Playoffs)
6. mTw.ATI (29 Points, 06-05 Matches, 68:73 Score, Playoffs, pre-Playoffs)
7. Team Ownage (27 Points, 05-06 Matches, 64:73 Score)
8. Revolution Sports Gaming (25 Points, 05-06 Matches, 68:69 Score)
9. United 5 (19 Points, 03-08 Matches, 56:80 Score)
10. Team 3wD (18 Points, 01-10 Matches, 54:82 Score)
11. Deutschlands kranke Horde (17 Points, 03-08 Matches, 49:88 Score)
12. The JuNgLe TeaM (17 Points, 02-09 Matches, 51:58 Score)
Playoffs Season 7:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 21 May 2005
End: 22. May 2005
Total Price Money:
Participants: 6 Clans (Rang 1-4 at the Offline Playoffs + Rang 5-6 at the online pre-Playoffs)
System: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. 4Kings.Intel (FuRy, Zeus[19], Grubby, ToD, FoV)
2. Team64.AMD (WinneR, Creolophus, SaSe, ElakeDuck)
3. SK Gaming International (Zacard, miou, HoT, Insomnia)
4. MeetYourMakers (Ciara, Susiria, Lucifer, GoStop, Bjarke)
5. mTw.ATI
6. Mousesports.BenQ
WC3L Season 6 (WC3L Season VI)
Start: 15. August 2004
End: 20. November 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.16 / TFT 1.17
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 6 Lineup:
SK Gaming International (MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, HeMaN, RushWizard, Insomnia, Zacard)
SK Gaming Germany (sTOrM, Thagor, TaKe, kookian, j4yiwd, boNe, KaiN, miou)
MeetYourMakers (aCe, CoReY, midnight, plaZ, Susiria, Bjarke, ySKhYr, TuNe, jango)
Destination Skyline (Magik, Durandal, n0mad, DIDI8, Demon-TT, Suboshi, Talon, bonchance)
Team64.AMD (WaWeR, bogoos, Cara, Soul, ElakeDuck, Crimson, SaSe, FiguRen, xzidez)
4Kings.Intel (Grubby, Zeus[19], LaWn, FuRy, KaJ)
Team 3wD (HomeRunBall, Lyn, Karma, Ranger, OMA,S.Jack, 420, BigEr, eNvious)
Mousesports (HasuObs, PuN1Sher, Jan, dArk, Panic, Spell, Vank0r)
Storm Games Clans (Denon, Moloch, Uhlyk, Hum4nic, InTheEnd, DORAN, Frido, Tlaloc, MokoNoTora, Rong, Lagking)
DkH.Mystify (EvE, Mirai, DaviN, eLTmaNN-ciTy, TrueShot, PoDoX, Ravage, Galeth)
armaTeam (MnZ, Skyward, Sabre, Shortround, ToD, Deadman, SeGaL, FoV, Deco)
mTw (Aether, Ghostridah, Tak3r, LasH, JanThePig, Benni)
Season 6 Ranking:
1. 4 Kings.Intel (31 Points, 08-01 Matches, 71:37 Score, canceled Playoffs)
2. Mousesports (31 Points, 07-02 Matches, 67:42 Score, Playoffs)
3. SK Gaming International (30 Points, 06-03 Matches, 65:47, Playoffs)
4. mTw (29 Points, 06-03 Matches, 64:44 Score, canceled Playoffs)
5. MeetYourMakers (25 Points, 07-02 Matches, 57:47 Score, Playoffs)
6. Team64.AMD (22 Points, 03-06 Matches, 57:51 Score, Playoffs)
7. Team 3wD (21 Points, 04-05 Matches, 55:55 Score)
8. DkH.Mystify (18 Points, 02-07 Matches, 44:62 Score)
9. SK Gaming Germany (14 Points, 02-07 Matches, 39:68 Score)
10. Storm Games Clan (04 Points, 00-09 Matches, 18:84 Score)
11. armaTeam
11. Destination Skyline
Playoffs Season 6:
Location: Denmark, Copenhagen, Internet Café
Start: 04. December 2004
End: 05. December 2004
Total Price Money:
Participants: 4 Clans
Systen: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. MeetYourMakers (Ciara, ySKhYr, Susiria, GoStop, Ciara, Susiria)
2. Team64.AMD (SaSe, Elakeduck, Deadman, Caravaggio, Enrique, Crimson)
3. SK International (SuRviVoR, MaDFroG, FaTC, HeMaN, Zacard)
4. Mousesports (Jan, dArk, Shortround, Suboshi, Panic, Spell)
WC3L Season 5 (WC3L Season V)
Start: 01. April 2004
End: 20. June 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.14b
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 5 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando International (Insomnia, ZeeRaX, DominatoR, SuRviVoR, FaTC, Sweet, HeMaN, SeaWeed)
Team 3wD -> Team 3wD (Alven, Limmet, Karma, Ranger, SjoW, Ranger, Delicato)
Mousesports (Jan, dArk, PuN1Sher, HasuObs, Spell, PaNiC_Wasano)
Destination Skyline (DIDI8, eNvious, sAtiiNi, n0mad, Chemi, Demon-TT)
Team 9 -> Clanless Power (BiZ, RaGman, sNaggy, Zubie, SaSe, Caravaggio, aNty)
mTw (Ghostridah, RushWizard, Tak3r, LasH)
4Kings (Grubby, Myth, FuRy, LaWn, KaJ, Zeus[19])
pro-Gaming (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, YaD, Amun, Hunter, CareLess, ShoCK, vanHunt, HoRRoR)
armaTeam (Sabre, RaZ, BIatty, Shortround, InToX, Deadman, Deco, ShowTime, Shore)
Schroet Kommando Germany (sTOrM, Thagor, j4yiwd, miou, Thagor)
MeetYourMakers (aCe, CoReY, KiA, Takete, Bjarke, ySkhYr, Geeko, GoStop, Susiria, Warthog, Jango, TuNe)
OCRANA.D-Link (TaKe, Harty, Zyrano, voOr, Crimson, kookian, DarK.FoRcE-, Caf1)
Season 5 Ranking:
1. 4Kings (38 Points, 09-01 Matches, 79:43 Score, Playoffs)
2. Schroet Kommando International (34 Points, 08-02 Matches, 82:43 Score, Playoffs)
3. mTw (32 Points, 07-03 Matches, 73:49 Score, Playoffs)
4. armaTeam (28 Points, 06-04 Machtes, 68:54 Score, Playoffs)
5. MeetYourMakers (25 Points, 06-04 Matches, 62:56 Score, Playoffs)
6. Identity.ioS (24 Points, 05-05 Matches, 61:59 Score, Playoffs)
7. Destination Skyline (23 Points, 03-07 Matches, 58:65 Score)
8. OCRANA.D-Link (19 Points, 04-06 Matches, 48:72 Score)
9. pro-Gaming (18 Points, 02-08 Matches, 49:75 Score)
10. Schroet Kommando Germany (17 Points, 03-07 Matches, 43:77 Score)
11. Mousesports (17 Points, 02-08 Matches, 47:77 Score)
12. Clanless Power
Playoffs Season 5:
Location: Germany, Cologne, KOMED
Start: 26 June 2004
End: 27 June 2004
Total Price Money: 2.500 EUR
Participants: 6 Clans
System: double elimination
Overall Ranking:
1. mTw (Wizard, Tak3r, Aether, JanThePig)
2. 4Kings (Zeus[19], Grubby, FuRy, LaWn, KaJ)
3. Schroet Kommando International (Insomnia, ZeeRaX, DominatoR, SuRviVoR, FaTC, HeMaN)
4. armaTeam (BIatty, InToX, ToD, Shore, Skyward)
5. MeetYourMakers (CoReY, ySKhYr, midnight, Bjarke)
6. 3wD (SjoW, Delicato, Karma, Ranger)
WC3L Season 4 (WC3L Season IV)
Start: 09. Oktober 2003
End: 28. March 2004
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: TFT 1.13 / TFT 1.13b / TFT 1.14 / TFT 1.14b
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 4 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Kalaschni, Thagor, sTOrM, ToD, SuRviVoR, DominatoR, miou, pLaGuE, Seaweed, ZeeRaX)
OCRANA.D-Link (justtryit, voOr, Pagan, Zyrano, Deluxe, BIaze, kookian, boNe, kain, DarK.FoRcE-, DiaZ)
Revolution Sports Gaming (Tray, leolaporte, Hyper, Maestro, eTched, Love, Pills, KlasH, Akrobatik, X, Pillage, Universe)
pro-Gaming.net (Jan, dArk, Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, HoRRoR, Dezzi, Racor, Twinsen, FiSheYe)
mTw (LasH, Tak3r, Modo, Matzerg, Ghostridah, Scytale)
sTar (ChobO, OkaiN, Psio, DK, ArMoR, Wolfy, MeddY)
armaTeam (BIatty, Hazeem, MnZ, Shore, Deco, InToX, LwL, Wizard, GeNThO, Shortround)
Gamepoint -> 64AMD (Krackmaster, Saitoh, midnight, plaZ, DIDI8, Lituch, BigEr, Four20, Goldenboy, Kilrogg, Caravaggio, UberElf, heat, zirx, inFi, BiZ)
4Kings (Myth, Grubby, FuRy, LaWn, Zeus[19], Kiko, KaJ)
Destination Skyline (Ace, CoReY, Blue, Chemi, Ghortaur, Magik, Ouga, Puffe, eNvious, Durandal)
The aNcients (FEsTis, LeQua, CoReY, Ace, NitemarE, Delicato, SjoW) -> plan-B[headZ]
plan-B[headZ] (Duke, Nuke, Limmet, alven, Eldor, Hulm, SjoW)
SAINT (Winners, Medusa, Bestwolf, Sweet) -> a-Losers
a-Losers (Mirai, hAsU, XardaS, PuN1Sher, Dalai, CmdrCD, Spell, WoO, fl1ps, 11LooSeR1, ThurisaZ, Dan, uc-)
Season 4 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 4:
Sytem: double elimination
1. 4Kings
2. armaTeam
3. mTw
4. Destination Skyline
WC3L Season 3 (WC3L Season III)
Start: 01. June 2003
End: 23. September 2003
Participants: 12 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.06 / TFT 1.10 / TFT 1.11 / TFT 1.12
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 3 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Insomnia, DominatoR, MaDFroG, SuRviVoR, sTOrM)
bmfheadz (Dukie, Nuke, Hulm, Twisted, Mahadeva)
a-Laget (???)
a-Losers (Dan, Dalai, WickedGame, st0r, GeNThO, FatRandy, mightyx, Crebom, Twi)
OCRANA.D-Link (Pagan, Zyrano, TaKe, Sky, Fire, Lunastar, Blaze)
4Kings (???)
pro-Gaming (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, HoRRoR, Twinsen, MouSe, pLaGuE, Dezzi, Nightwind, Racor)
XSarena -> sTar (DK, Psio, Okain, ChobO, Nada, ArMoR)
rSgaming.com (???)
e.Sports united (Jan, Harty, Four20[303], Grave, sTaTic, dArk)
armaTeam (InToX, ToD, BIatty, Hazeem, GeNThO, Wizard, Shore, MnZ)
mTw.alternate (Tak3r, LasH, ThePig, Ghostridah)
Season 3 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 3:
system: double elimination
1. mTw.alternate
2. Schroet Kommando
3. 4 Kings
4. armaTeam
WC3L Season 2 (WC3L Season II)
Start: 27. February 2003
End: 11. May 2003
Participants: 10 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.02a
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 2 Lineup:
Schroet Kommando (Insomnia, KaJ, MaDFroG, HeMaN, BeaveR, Eirik, Goldenboy, Kilrogg)
e.Sports united (Kilrogg, Ranger, Jan, Harty, DIDI8, NitemarE, Goldenboy, Soul, Asmodey, Zeus[19], four20, Kiko)
Advanced Online Losers -> a-Losers (Dan, Dalai, FatRandy, st0r, WickedGame, pLaGuE, Socke, GeNThO)
OCRANA.D-Link (Thagor, kookian, TaKe, Fire, Zyrano, Pagan)
Riot-Squad -> RsGaming.com (X, Asmarand, Falzure, Maestro, Hyper, leolaporte, Smurphet, Shortround-, Pussinboots)
pro-gaming.net (Allanon, BuTTerKeKs, Nabb, Maid, MouSe, Twinsen, Zografa)
The-Feared (???)
Netco.sTar -> XSarena (ArMoR, ChobO, DK, OkaiN, MeddY)
mTw.alternate (Tak3r, ThePig, LasH, Matzerg, Modo, dArk)
armaTeam (FaTC, Overmind, ToD, BIatty, Shore, InToX)
Season 2 Ranking:
Playoffs Season 2:
System: double elimination
1. Schroet Kommando
2. armaTeam
3. mTw.alternate
4. a-Losers
WC3L Season 1 (WC3L Season I)
Start: 15. August 2002
End: 17. February 2003
Participants: 10 Clans
Patch: ROC 1.02 / ROC 1.02a
Modus: 3x 1on1 best of 3 + 2x 2on2 best of 3
Season 1 Lineup:
e.Sports united (NitemarE, KaJ, Soul, Asmodey, Kilrogg, Goldenboy, Zeus[19], Kiko)
Orcish Empire -> pro-Gaming (Twinsen, Charon, MouSe, Racor, Allanon)
Demons of Starcraft (piNg, Flamm, Sevarion, rAziD, DerTick, ThE, Sinister, Madness, SsaMJjaNG)
Team PcN (Dalai, Dan, Bizarre, DrizZt, Astrapilot, Avenger, eLeMeNt)
The-Feared (Domi, Rif, 2Hot, Demo, Kain, Nuh, Holy, Kida)
Advanched Online Losers (Labatyd, GeNThO, WickedGame, st0r)
Iomega (???)
Alien Invasion (dev, ThePig, Hazeem, BuRnY, Spawn, Vlodok, Ironman)
Ocrana.D-Link (Pagan, Zyrano, Thagor, Fire, TaKe, bIaZe)
Schroet Kommando (SuRviVoR, fortuNe, Insomnia, Eirik, sTOrM)
Season 1 Ranking (no Playoffs):
1. Schroet Kommando (Hardware -> www.esl.eu/news/5297 ~1.000 EUR)
2. e.Sports united
3. Ocrana.D-Link
4. Advanched Online Losers
5. pro Gaming
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