WC3Db - Databank

Friday, May 19, 2006

ROC Patch 1.01

Category: WC3Db / Patches

Reign of Chaos Patch 1.01

* Fixed an issue with control group selection.
* Fixed an issue with Observers On Defeat option causing games to end when an observer would quit.
* Fixed an issue with preselection events and Fog of War.
* Fixed an issue with spacebar events working when the game was paused.

* Mortar Team (hit points reduced from 380 to 360)

* Shaman (Bloodlust attack rate decreased from 50% to 40%)
* Catapult (hit points reduced from 500 to 425)

* Meat Wagon (hit points reduced from 450 to 380)

* Ballista (hit points reduced from 450 to 380)
* Druid of the Claw Master Training (cost reduced from 250/100 to 150/50, upgrade time reduced from 75 sec. to 45 sec.)
* Treant (damage reduced from an average of 17 to 16)
* Ancient Protector rooted damage increased from 43-65 to 52-64 (58 avg)
* Demon Hunter (Mana Burn ranged increased from 25 to 30)
* Moon Wells now give 50% mana back and 200% health (80/20 distribution?)
* Keeper of the Grove (Force of Nature cooldown increased from 20 sec. to 30 sec.)
* Nature's Blessing upgrade is now first available at Tree of Ages instead of Tree of Eternity
* Priestess of the Moon (Starfall damage reduced from 75 per wave to 50 per wave, duration increased from 30 sec. to 45 sec., damage factor reduced to 35% vs. buildings; starfall still does the same ammount of damage as before to units, just takes longer to do it)

* Raised cooldown on several Creep spells
* Goblin Sappers can no longer be loaded into Goblin Zeppelins

Reign of Chaos Patch 1.01b
* Fixes a problem where players were disconnected from a game as it was starting and thus getting a loss.

Reign of Chaos Patch 1.01c
* Fixed an issue with copy protection for certain DVD drives.


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